The Overlooked Struggles Plaguing Citizen Van-Lifers: What America Can Do To Assist, and Encourage Their Efforts

The current economic situation is an unsustainable circumstance for the average citizen in America.

Rent, and housing costs, are breaking the backs, and killing the savings of the hard working families in the country.

Grocery bill, or light bill, these two types of payments are looking very much the same in our current times.

For some citizens of this fine country, with a much needed emphasis on where as the topic of discussion, regular housing simply isn’t the feasible option anymore.

For some of us, hard times can, and will snowball, leaving us without desirable options. When these events occur, without proper backup resources- we have to do what it is that we must to survive.

Speaking as someone who has had to do what’s known colloquially these days as “van life,” an option not brought about from personal want, but more of a need at the time, there are some difficulties in the lifestyle which can definitely be made easier.

In terms of easier, what’s meant is that there are more resources made available in local towns for people of such lifestyles to utilize. These which would make it easier, and less stressful to survive, and rather what it should be- to thrive.

Featured below is a van-lifer, named Lida Rico, who has self-proclaimed been living in the life for a decade.

She has a very vibrant channel, and an uplifting outgoing personality.

Although her content may seem like an adventure full of bliss, she never offers the delusion that her’s is a lifestyle without its own unique difficulties.

Never does she claim to say that van life offers some magical escape. One that some can be influenced by many Youtubers in the vlogging scene, to believe as something which will solve all of their life’s pre-existing problems.

As with all things, each style of living comes with its own challenges, and swapping one for another seldom cures the spirit if you’re discomforts are more than skin-deep.

With public resources such as extended-stay, first-come-first-served parking lots, equipped with bathrooms, simple electric stations, along with areas for private showering- many a people could have the peace of mind they could desperately benefit from. These exact solvents could place those unwilling vehicle-dwelling citizens precisely back on their feet where they’re aiming to be.

The availability of such resources would help by making the necessity of living in such conditions temporary, for those not wishing to do so long term.

They would also lessen the stress which comes from the constant need to find, and utilize such applicable resources daily and discreetly just to maintain a regular life.

Until you’ve experienced this difficulty, you have no idea how inconvenient all the conveniences taken for granted in normal living situations are, when they’re not simply a couple steps away.

Both of these combined, work to improve the mental health, and in turn the fortitude of said dwellers. All the better for the mental health, and happiness of America as a whole. Where in reality, each and every one of us are indeed of unique importance when we look at this from the widest angle of discussion.

Acknowledging that all difficulties, from each category of citizen, factor into an evaluation of the greatness of our nation as a whole- is the first step towards actualized progress in terms of disputing solutions for quality of living issues.

No issue should be less urgent, and none of us should feel less than vital as a resident citizen of the United States of America to an assessment of this type.

What we need is more highlighting of these pragmatic trends of lifestyle.

Speakers who bring attention on how cities can facilitate, and even better motivate, those willing to be more proactive about tackling their life difficulties.

Cities can make a big effort to encourage these citizens. Those just as hardworking as anyone else, who are indeed doing what they can to succeed with what’s available to them, to not surrender themselves to the challenges they face. None of us should feel alone, and abandoned by our states’ governing in this regard.

Governments should applaud those who choose this lifestyle as a great alternative, to traditional homelessness. They should commend those making a decision to reject imposing all their needs on the state, as not to be just another burden, and acknowledge their productivity in seeking a way out of the void.

Innovative thinkers such as those of the car, or van dweller community should be encouraged in a society which has long complained about its rampant homelessness.

Those who specifically want regularly to condemn their own citizens who they say for instance: just want to be handed everything for free, but lack effort to solve their own issues, and pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

In America we need remember to embrace not only citizens who face enormous odds alone, but more productively those who lead by a proactive example.

These taking destiny in their own hands, using only what they have available to make the best of their living situation, without expressing too much greif about it, are what it means to be a versatile American.

And in like kind, our nation should encourage this type of spirit, and help to facilitate it in conquering its difficulties.

It simply means a better and more productive nation for us all.

Great videos that highlight some of the parts mentioned by van-life Youtuber Lidia Rico. Here are just a few:

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