America is suffering, and it has been suffering since 2020, only we’ve been being lied to about it the entire time
We’ve been told everything is fine, and that things are only getting better and better, only to see it all degrade everywhere that we see.
It’s been enough with the lies, the falsehoods, all of the manipulations of data, and suppression of the information in large amount which lead to the manipulation of the public’s thinking. We can see that it hasn’t been good this entire time, but that it’s been terrible, and that it all is only getting worse.
Every little bit, if you have to ask- the scope of the decay is widespread. Not much has escaped when it’s come to the current administration’s top focus : D.E.I. – Diversity Equity and Inclusion. They’ve done the best to shove it down the citizens throats. We’ve never asked for it, but they have continued to push for it nonetheless.
What do we have to show for it all? More unqualified individuals in roles they never should have been in, and the like. What is resulting is from this is a mockery of morals, and a travesty of all quality and organization throughout nearly every infrastructure.
All of this while they’ve lied about it being for our own good, as if we’ve asked, and the majority of us never had. Nor had they ever asked us. But it was rather shadow men in suits who’ve been deciding all along what they needed to be done with their money before they went funding behind closed doors.
They’ve tried to do the most, of none we’ve asked, and they’ve ended up getting the least done. Not to mention the fact that they’ve made a majority of things much, much worse for repair.
The work needed to clean up the mess of incompetence is going to be a long one. Possibly too much for a four year stent, but we can have faith.
We need faith that we’ll refrain from killing each other over our political, sexual, or hell our religious, and racial differences- as if in these times we should still find these at all hurdles of our society.
In reality we’ve not made much progress as a whole. The whole has suffered, while the fringe-minority has seen more progress than ever, possibly of what shouldn’t ever been allowed. All at the expense the morals of our own people, innocence of children, and costs of tax dollars that would have been better spent on citizens who have actually sacrificed to be real heroes of this country.
No but it’s a shame. While our tax dollars have served to go against our wishes, and what we desperately have needed- we’ve been given that shame card. As if it’s all our fault for being to mean, or not progressive enough.
We’ve seen them color the lies to make them seem as if things aren’t this way. We’ve seen them fail upwards. Pollute the screens, and airways with garbage while bringing the moral pendulum of the people down as a whole.
They have fibed and story told, covered up the massive pile while ignoring the horrid smell we all can smell individually for ourselves. There’s simply been no way to hide it.
Well no more.
It’s time for these children to play their games elsewhere, and the adults to rebuild where they’ve destroyed.
It’s time for the unappreciative whiners, to go to their fathers who they claim to serve. Leaving all the freedom which allows them to do such tantruming in the first place- since they’re so ungrateful for it.
It’s time for real leaders to crush the old, and the children to be sat down. No more will the spoiled be tolerated, and worse- coddled and validated for their upside-down perspectives.
It’s time to take the country back, and put the red, white, and the blue back in its proper place. Then after which stick the endless palette of color filled, countryless- flag back where it belongs. For those people it represents, and none other.
Once the truthful, and strong take back the seats- the weak and the childish will know to scatter for the meek individuals they truly are.
It’s time to return America to strength, and the appreciation of it citizens, as people- not pawns, or simple digit-labeled workers for profit generation alone.
Take back your home, U.S. and across the seas as well. We are all sharing common enemies that come in various forms much like a chameleon.
Learn the truths that are often suppressed, and speak your mind to those around you, with intentions of making real positive change. We all can benefit from these, a gravous oversight in these times.
As the true leaders say when they are faced with all odds, fall down, but the Heavens themselves stand them back up to their feet-
We can all come to a state where we rise our firsts high, without cowardice and encourage ourselves to:
Amen. Let us all return our countries to the great places they were once envisioned to be.
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